Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya   març 2020

Contact the BCBL

Contact the BCBL

Contact us by phone, email or social networks. The library staff works electronically and you can send us any request.

Email: biblioteca.cbl@upc.edu

Social Networks:

Telephone: 93.552.35.44

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The BCBL team recommends you ...

The BCBL team recommends you ...

Before you start work from home or studying listen to this song (YouTube) on your computer or device, and it will charge you with positive energy.
              #StayHomeSaveLives  #joemquedoacasa 

  • Create your workspace, office or study space, don't make it on the couch, make a corner of your home and make this area comfortable.
  • It's important to have a routine, wake up and  start working  at the same time every day.
  • Do not work / study in sleeping clothes, put on your street clothes, it's important not to get bad habits and feel like you were in class or in the office.
  • Spend time on your morning routines and spend time on daily rutines. Get  up and  start straight studying or working  can be stressful.
  • Do not open the fridge! Prepare your meal as you always do, don't visit the fridge every 10 minutes, so if you are hungry at 12, don't empty the fridge, eat as you normally do.
  • If you are sharing a flat, put on a headset  to avoid external distractions and focus on your own work.

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Electronic recommended bibliography (ESAB and EETAC)

Electronic recommended bibliography  (ESAB and EETAC)

Do you know that you have acces to some of the recommended books of your Degrees and Masters in electronic format  ?

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Final degree work (TFG) or Final Degree Master (TFM) of EETAC and ESAB

Final degree work (TFG) or Final Degree Master (TFM) of EETAC and ESAB

Do you know that you have acces to the electronic versions of the Final Degree work or master?
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Take the opportunity to learn how the campus audiovisual production service works

Take the opportunity to learn how the campus audiovisual production service works

Don't know how to self-record your vídeo yet ? Or how to edit it? Check the audiovisual service tutorials.

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Electronic journals

Electronic journals

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Stay up to date with our YouTube video tutorials

Stay up to date with our YouTube video tutorials

Check out the BCBL video tutorials.
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YouTube BCBL

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Services available during the closing of the UPC libraries

Services available during the closing of the UPC libraries

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How to teach or follow virtual lessons?

How to teach or follow virtual lessons?

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Guide to UPC services for work from home

Guide to UPC services for work from home

  • Works remotely
  • Remote teaching
  • The Office at Home
  • Work in the cloud
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© UPC. Biblioteca del Campus del Baix Llobregat
Esteve Terradas, 10, 08860 Castelldefels
Tel.:+34 93 552 35 44
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