Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya   març 2020

​Guidelines for developing a research proposal

​Guidelines for developing a research proposal

Do you start the thesis?
Check the guide for writing a research proposal prepared by the University of Sidney Library.

Writing a thesis proposal

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​Manage your data during research

​Manage your data during research

Writing your thesis, you will surely work with a lot of data.
Manage them properly by following these best practices.

Best practices (in Catalan)

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Do you want to successfully write and publish a scientific article?

Do you want to successfully write and publish a scientific article?

Read "the post" by Professor Lluís Codina (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) to write articles and publish them in scientific journals.

Publicaciones académicas, revisión de factores para el éxito (in Spanish)

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Acquire an ORCID ID

Acquire an ORCID ID

An ORCID ID is a persistent identifier that will distinguish you from other researchers throughout your scholarly career. You could be required to have an ORCID ID because publishers and funding agencies are increasingly integrating ORCID into the manuscript and grant proposal submission process.

Acquire your ORCID

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DiscoveryUPC search engine and the eBIB button

DiscoveryUPC search engine and the eBIB button

DiscoveryUPC is the search engine for finding articles, proceedings, journals, books, databases and printed resources that are available in the UPC’s libraries and the academic output in UPCommons using a single interface.

Important! When using Google, GoogleScholar or your bookmarks, don't forget to install the eBib button in your browser to access the full text of articles and other non-free resources subscribed by the UPC.

DiscoveryUPC is the search engine

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A website for you

A website for you

At the Libraries Service webiste you will find Bibliotècnica for Doctoral Students, with all the resources and services that make easier researching, publishing and searching information for your thesis.
Use it, it's for you!

Bibliotècnica for Doctoral Students

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Ask us

Ask us

The Libraries will be closing until further notice.

  • All books on loan have been renewed and fines have been suspended.
  • Many of our services are online and we have an extensive online collection to help you with your work. We will be providing support remotely on a range of topics, from searching resources to referencing so please contact us.
  • We are looking at other services we may be able to offer and we will update both the Library website and social media channels with this information. 

Ask us

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© UPC. Servei de Biblioteques, Publicacions i Arxius
C/ Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona (Edifici K2M, Planta S1, Despatx S103-S104, Campus Nord)
Tel.:+34 93 401 61 38
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