Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya   juny 2024

Online training (July 2024)

Online training (July 2024)

Training workshops for the 2023-24 course of the
'Your doctoral thesis' itinerary.

Make the most of them, they are for you!


Date Time Campus Workshop Language Places
11 July 10-12 h. Online Open science Cat/Cas 40

All ICE workshops for PhD students and PDI
More free external training

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CSUC Training on Research Data

CSUC Training on Research Data

The Consorci de Serveis Universitaris (CSUC) has scheduled 6 training sessions throughout 2024 on the eiNa DMP and the RDR (Research Data Repository). They are aimed at researchers as well as librarians.

The next session will be about Publishing research data with the Research Data Repository and will take place on July 3 from 1 to 2 p.m.

The sessions will be held online through Teams, with no limit on attendees or prior registration.

Publish research data with the RDR
CSUC agenda

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Two manuals for teaching and learning FAIR data

Two manuals for teaching and learning FAIR data

FAIRsFAIR “Fostering FAIR Data Practices In Europe” has published two practical tools to develop new teaching and training activities that support the adoption of research data management (RDM) and FAIR data skills:

  • How to be FAIR with your data: a teaching and training handbook for higher education institutions: four chapters dedicated to key aspects in the implementation of FAIR data practices.
  • Good Practices in FAIR Competence Education: provides concrete examples of how HE institutes and other HE organizations have developed FAIR teaching and training at different levels.

How to be FAIR with your data
Good Practices in FAIR Competence Education

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Free review of abstracts of doctoral theses

Free review of abstracts of doctoral theses

The Servei De Llengües i Terminologia de la UPC offers the UPC PDI the possibility of ordering the free review of summaries (abstracts) of doctoral theses in Catalan and English and their translation into Catalan.

To request this service, you must do so via https://demana.upc.edu/slt/ indicating the concept 'Correction or translation service' in the help topic.

Free review of theses abstracts
All SLT services, orders and fees
More information (SLT)

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II Web of Science Online Training cycle 2024 (02-04 July)

II Web of Science Online Training cycle 2024 (02-04 July)

FECYT and Clarivate organize 3 webinars on the Web of Science platform:

  • Highly cited documents and authors (Advanced)
  • Analyze the publications of an institution with Web of Science (Advanced)
  • Journal Citation Reports for experts
They will take place between 2 and 4 July 2024 from 2 to 3 p.m. Prior registration with the institutional email is required.

Once the training cycle has ended, the materials will be available for consultation on the FECYT website.

FECYT training materials

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Datasets incorporated in DRAC visible in FUTUR

Datasets incorporated in DRAC visible in FUTUR

The datasets that are included in DRAC are already visible in the FUTUR portal, whether they are hosted in the CORA.RDR repository of the CSUC, or in other trusted data repositories that guarantee the availability of the information in the long term, such as Zenodo or DIGITAL.CSIC.

Instructions for including Datasets in DRAC

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Tertúlia i vi 2024

Tertúlia i vi 2024
Tertúlia i vi 2024

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© UPC. Servei de Biblioteques, Publicacions i Arxius
C/ Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona (Edifici K2M, Planta S1, Despatx S103-S104, Campus Nord)
Tel.:+34 93 401 61 38
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