Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya   maig 2024

Online training (June-July 2024)

Online training (June-July 2024)

Training workshops for the 2023-24 course of the
'Your doctoral thesis' itinerary.

Make the most of them, they are for you!


Date Time Campus Workshop Language Places
4 june 11-13 h. Online Open science Eng 40
12 june 11-13 h. Online Research data management: Data Management Plan Eng 40
18 june 11-13 h. Campus Nord DRAC for doctoral students Cat/Cas 30
20 june 11-13 h. Online Research data management: Data Management Plan Cat/Cas 40
11 july 10-12 h. Online Open science Cat/Cas 40

All ICE workshops for PhD students and PDI
More free external training

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Research Café: Research data

Research Café: Research data

The Research Café are informal gatherings, organized by the UPC libraries, to learn about and enhance the visibility of the University's research staff projects. These days bring together doctoral students, postdocs, academic staff and other members of the University and society to promote the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and collaboration between research areas.

The ETSEIB Library is organizing the next Research Café that will be held on May 30 in classroom LS11, hall L (floor-1) of the ETSEIB at 12:15 p.m. and will deal with research data.

With the participation of :

  • Juan Jesús Pérez, Associate Dean for International Relations, ETS d'Enginyeria Industrial (ETSEIB), as presenter.
Sharing their experiences: You are all invited for coffee and a small snack!

The Research Café

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Include open access publications in an article-based theses

Include open access publications in an article-based theses

In accordance with what is required in the Academic Regulations of the Doctorate School, in an article-based theses these must be included in a version that allows them to be published open access in public repositories.

To do this, consult the website of the journal or conference where you have published. The editorial policy indicates which version(s) (pre-print, accepted version, published version, etc.) can be included in the thesis manuscript.

Some examples of editorials:

For more information you can consult the Self-Archiving conditions of the main commercial publishers.

In case of doubt, contact info.biblioteques@upc.edu.

Include open access publications in an article-based theses
Self-Archiving conditions of the main commercial publishers

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CSUC training on the Data Management Plan with the eiNa DMP

CSUC training on the Data Management Plan with the eiNa DMP

The CSUC has scheduled 6 training sessions throughout 2024 on the eiNa DMP and the RDR. They are aimed at researchers as well as librarians.

The next session will deal with the Data Management Plan with the eiNa DMP and will be held on June 19 from 1 to 2 p.m.

The sessions will be held online through Teams without a limit of attendees or prior registration.

CSUC agenda
Data Management Plan with the eiNa DMP

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Take part in the 1st UPC Open Science Award

Take part in the 1st UPC Open Science Award

Any member of the UPC university community who carries out research and/or teaching activities and who has worked with open science is invited to apply for the first edition of the UPC Open Science Award individually or within a group of research

The Open Science Award aims to support the university community that has excelled in including open science practices in its academic activity promoting Open Science among the community in accordance with the 2025 Roadmap.

The award is endowed with 2,000 euros.

Phases of the process:

  • Presentation of initiatives: until May 31, 2024
  • Communication to the awardee(s): June 17, 2024
  • Delivery of the award: on June 21, 2024 during the 5th Open Science Day at the UPC.

Call for 1st Prize UPC Open Science
Basis of the call (PDF)
Presentation at the UPC Electronic Office

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#17M UPC 'Open your eyes to LGTBI-phobia'

#17M UPC 'Open your eyes to LGTBI-phobia'
#17M UPC 'Open your eyes to LGTBI-phobia'
What can I do if I experience or observe a situation of harassment?

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© UPC. Servei de Biblioteques, Publicacions i Arxius
C/ Jordi Girona 1-3, 08034 Barcelona (Edifici K2M, Planta S1, Despatx S103-S104, Campus Nord)
Tel.:+34 93 401 61 38
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